Made in Indonesia, VANNOE IFP Series Achieves High Domestic Content Level (TKDN)

IFP Vannoe

Jakarta, May 14, 2024 – VANNOE is an Indonesian local product and brand that brings advanced visual and audio solutions which headquartered in South Jakarta. VANNOE’s visual products are LED Videotrons, Video Walls, and Interactive Flat Panel (IFP) Screens. One of our flagship products that has currently fulfilled its commitment to meet the requirements of the High Domestic Content Level (TKDN) is the IFP as known as Interactive Flat Panel. The TKDN obtained is quite high, at 39.97% and 39.81%. This TKDN is released by the Ministry of Industry No. 2425-2426/SJ-IND.8/E-TKDN/5/2024 for the Interactive Flat Panel VTK Series Type VN-IF75 with a size of 75 inches and VN IF86 with a size of 86 inches.

VANNOE understands that besides ensuring quality and competitive pricing across all its products, supporting local manufacturing industries is crucial. The brand is also known as a strong supporter of the Proudly Made in Indonesia Movement (BBI) supported by President Joko Widodo. By choosing local products like VANNOE, consumers contribute to advancing the domestic industry and creating job opportunities for the community.

Interactive Flat Panel, Your Modern Whiteboard Solutions

Whether in office environments or schools, whiteboards are commonly used as important media. They are usually found in meeting rooms in offices or classrooms and laboratories in schools. However, with the rapid advancement of multimedia and information technology, conventional whiteboard models, which we usually associate with markers or chalk, are slowly fading away with the presence of Interactive Flat Panels (IFP).

One of VANNOE’s flagship products is the IFP (Interactive Flat Panel) VTK series, which can receive up to 40 touch-points simultaneously. Equipped with voice-tracking cameras, VANNOE’s IFP VTK Series provides an unparalleled interactive experience in presentations, meetings, and collaborations. ‘Interactive’ refers to the product’s ability to interact with users or audiences through displayed content, usually through touch, gestures, or other inputs.

“This Interactive Flat Panel is a smart touchscreen panel (LCD / LED). Imagine a large whiteboard with the capabilities of a smartphone. The IFP screen has an Operating System and is equipped with speakers, microphones, cameras, virtual keyboard, RAM, storage, and processor. What’s even more advanced is that it can be connected to LAN and WiFi like a computer,” said Antonius Maharjati, General Manager Commercial of PT Suara Visual Indonesia, the holder of the VANNOE brand.

“What’s the difference with a whiteboard? it is different! way more advanced! Drawing and writing become easier because the thickness of the lines can be adjusted as you wish. You can always zoom out and zoom in unlike paper or whiteboards which more likely to show as it is. If you need additional pictures? They can be inserted, and the screen can be mirrored with other devices via Bluetooth or HDMI, and it also has NFC which make it more awesome” he added.

The application of Interactive Flat Panels (IFP) is widespread. IFP can be used as a learning media whiteboard in schools, collaboration media during meetings in offices or government offices, and interactive media in tourist attractions depending on the needs. VANNOE’s IFP sizes range from 65 to 86 inches, providing flexibility in choices to suit space and function needs.




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